5 Amazing Pizza World Records – Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world. In the United States alone, Americans eat about 100 acres of pizza a day. Pepperoni is a favorite pizza topping, along with mushrooms, sausage, Canadian bacon, olives, onions, and of course cheese! Some people prefer only a few pizza toppings, but others like several kinds. Would you believe that the world record for the most different kinds of pizza toppings is 27?
Here are five amazing pizza world records.
1. World’s Heaviest Pizza
The heaviest pizza in the world weighed a whopping 26,883 pounds. Made in Norwood Hypermarket in Norwood, South Africa, the world’s heaviest pizza was just over 122 feet in diameter. The hefty pizza was made on December 10, 1990. It consisted of nearly 10,000 pounds of flour, about 4,000 pounds of cheese, nearly 2,000 pounds of tomato puree, and thousands of pounds of other toppings including mushrooms and tomatoes.
2. World’s Largest Pizza
The largest pizza in the world has a total surface area of 13,580.28 square feet. A team of pizza makers made this large pizza. The team comprised Dovilio Nardi, Andrea Mannocchi, Marco Nardi, Matteo Nardi, and Matteo Giannotte. They made the pizza on December 13, 2012, in Rome, Italy. The pizza was gluten-free and nicknamed Ottavia.
3. World Record for Eating the Most Pizza
Champion pizza eater, Geoffrey Esper, holds the world record for eating the most 9-inch pizzas. Would you believe that he scarfed down 19.25 pizzas in just 10 minutes? This means he ate nearly two pizzas per minute! Esper is from Oxford, Massachusetts but he completed the feat at the Vaughan Pizza Festival north of Toronto. Coming in second place during the pizza-eating contest was former world record holder, Joey Chestnut. He only consumed 17 pizzas that day.
4. Greatest Variety of Cheese On a Pizza
A small chain of pizzerias in Australia already had a 99-cheese pizza on the menu. Johnny di Francesco, a chef in Melbourne, owned the pizza chain. When someone created a pizza with 111 different types of cheeses, Johnny di Francesco decided to top that. He did so by creating a 154-cheese pizza on September 5, 2018. It’s definitely the world’s cheesiest pizza ever!
5. World’s Highest Pizza Toss
Pizza chefs around the world are known for tossing their pizza dough into the air. They don’t just do this to show off, however. Tossing the pizza helps to stretch the dough into the perfect shape. Pizza dough tossing also creates the perfect crust. It probably doesn’t matter how high the pizza dough is tossed. But some pizza chefs like to see how high they can make their pizza fly. Joe Carlucci gets the credit for the highest pizza toss. He tossed about 20 ounces of pizza dough 21 feet 5 inches into the air. The world record was made on April 20, 2006, at the Mall of America in Minneapolis, MN.